The CCC’s Purpose is...
to respond to the essential interconnectedness of all Cache Valley’s residents.
to dispel myths related to our various faiths and/or ethnicity.
to encourage and support community activities that are, by their very nature, religiously and culturally unifying.
to engage in educational activities designed to increase community awareness of and respect for religious and cultural diversity.
to share our experiences in the CCC with the larger community of children, youth and adults.
New Series: Connecting Neighbors
Connecting Neighbors
Interviews Conducted by the Logan Tabernacle Concert and Lecture Series Committee of Cache Community Connections
A community’s citizens become neighbors to one another when they become aware of their mutual experiences, challenges, successes, and perspectives. Communities with low neighborhood attachment and high levels of disorganization, where many residents do not know or associate with one another and are not committed to continuing relationships, have higher rates of adult and juvenile crime and drug trafficking. Conversely, “communities that care” protect and support their citizens by developing and encouraging relationships that bridge social, cultural and economic divisions.
In 1963, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King offered these insights:
We believe that before a community’s residents can truly become neighbors, they need to know a little something about one another. Then, we can act in the true spirit of common knowledge and respect, acknowledging similarities and differences in experience and perspective, and honoring both.
Over the coming months, watch this page and our Facebook page for interviews and information about our Cache Valley neighbors.
Would you like to be involved in this interview project? Contact Richard West at [email protected].
Feed Utah Statewide Food Drive
This food drive will help provide food to the estimated 511,000 Utahns who are facing hunger this year—many of whom for the first time due to economic fallout resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Even more alarming is that 1 in 5 Utah kids are unsure where their next meal will come from. Our hope is that the Feed Utah food drive will bring together the power of Utah’s diverse religions, communities, and organizations in the fight against hunger—all while adhering to strict social distancing recommendations and safety protocols.
Residents across the state will receive door hangers during the days leading up to the food drive, and Utah Food Bank asks the public to help by placing a bag of non-perishable food outside their front door by 9am on the day of the food drive for pickup by volunteers.
Interested individuals can volunteer to help staff the drop-off sites throughout the State on the JustServe Site
Download the March 2021 Interfaith Food Drive Annoucement and list of drop-off sites in Cache Valley
NOW PLAYING: A Cache Valley Christmas Concert
Happy holidays! Click the image to enjoy the show!